Friday, May 25, 2012

Saint Augustine, FL

With the Paducah trip and the resulting postal issues to deal with I am just now posting about our trip to Florida now (2 weeks later). Dad and the guys went down early and attended the PGA tournament. Damon and I went down on a Wed. and came back on Sunday - so it was a pretty short trip, but it really felt like a vacation - relaxing.

One of the things that really appealed to Damon was the chance to take a ride in a Biplane. So the first picture is us next to the plane we went up in. And the second picture is a shot of of downtown St. Augustine from the plane as we flew overhead. You can spot the fort on the left-hand side. We also flew over the lighthouse and then did some dives over the ocean. 

A lot of the rest of the time was spent on the beach. This was easy because we were literally just around the corner from beach access. We took walks on the beach every morning and most evenings.  The third picture was one of the sunrises.

Eventually, after mom, Tammy and the kids showed up on Friday we even all ventured out to the beach during the middle of the day (last photo).

Overall a really great vacation. We had really great weather the whole time. Too bad when we got back it was dark, cool and rainy.

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