Friday, May 4, 2012

More from Paducah

The show opened with a parade/flash mob with quilters holding quilts and following the band into the event. These guys were the capstone to the parade.

You can view this year's winning quilts in this AQS video.

Along with the the show and the vendors we also went to Caryl Bryer Fallert's shop and studio know as Bryerpatch Studio.  I have always been so inspired by her work!  While we were there she offered to show everyone her studio space upstairs, some of the pieces she is working on and answered any questions we had. Gina was smart and took some notes.    

The big box of stuff I bought while in Paducah still has not shown up. Can't wait to get it and go through it. It will almost be like all new stuff cause I am not sure I remember everything I bought.

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