Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Making Room

OK, only 2 weeks till the big AQS quilt show, and since I know I will be bringing (or shipping) back lots of patterns, books and fabrics to start new projects I needed to make some room and get some unfinished quilts done. These two pictured here were both given to Kathy Russell last week to quilt on her long-arm machine. They will not be ready until after I get back, but then only the bindings will need to be added.

The first one is my Bloomin' Steps quilt, the second one is the large crib-sized quilt I make from Cheryl's lilac and purple fabrics. I also dropped off my NY Beauty quilt down at Distinctive Quilting last week. As I am having custom quilting done on that quilt it will not be ready for a couple of months.

In the meantime I have started another half-square triangle quilt. I am using Thangles again. Each stack has 8 blocks with the same fabric combination.

1 comment:

  1. They look great! You have me intrigues by all the shapes you are cutting out. Can
    t wait to see wait it will become.
