Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holiday Decorating - a few weeks delayed

Usually all the holiday decorations go up the Friday after Thanksgiving but with all the construction going on, an unexpected family visit and working on the weekends this semester I am way behind. As you can see even Ivan was getting impatient and as soon as the tree was set up he stationed himself front and center under the tree. I don't have any Christmas music but I did find that the cable network offers classic holiday music as one of the free music channels, so that is what I listened to while decorating.

I was able to work around Ivan and as you can see the tree is decorated. I also sat down with the Christmas cards and got them addressed and ready to go - just waiting for Damon to put his signature on them. I even ventured out to the mall today. Nothing like standing in long lines to really put you in the holiday spirit.

On the construction front all the drywall is up. I believe they will start priming and painting on Monday. The space where the fan is sitting is where our new built-in shelves will be.

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