Saturday, February 12, 2011

Working Though the Partially Done Projects

Not sure why it took me so long, but I have finally got around to piecing the strips of 4-Patch Posie blocks together. I had all the blocks put together and in columns at the last quilt retreat in November, but they have been packed up since then. I originally was going to put all the blocks on point, but it left too much blue background space, so I alternated on-point and straight-on blocks.
I was putzing around in the quilting room today and feeling restless when I found the strips and figured at least I could get this done. I am thinking of adding a border of dark blue and calling it done.
Usually when the semester starts I do not have much time for much quilting or blogging. But we are have a day of quilting scheduled at the firehouse on Feb 26th and I have a retreat in March so maybe I won't lose quilting momentum.

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