Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Fabric Project - but not a quilt for a change

First is the before picture. The dinning room chairs in their slightly stained off-white upholstery. I made plans to re-do the chairs about six months ago. I took a lovely summer drive over to Vermont using the bridge to go get fabric. I picked up all the new padding and batting and even remembered to buy staples for the staple gun.

The Second picture is 'during'. OMG. There is no conceivable reason to have this many staples to hold fabric onto a chair! Most of the time on this project was spent ripping out staples and removing the fabric.

And Finally - the newly reupholstered chair! Beautiful isn't? I like the pattern and colors, and hopefully it will be less likely to show stains and dog hair. It looks good in the dinning room with the green walls and gold tablecloth.

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