Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mid-Semester Catch-Up

As usual the mid semester crunch hit and I haven't posted in a while. But lots has been happening. It didn't help that I have been sick with a cold since October 1st.
We had some electrical work done and the entertainment center is now able to be placed on the other side of the living room. While looking for a corner unit entertainment stand I discovered that they have ones that have electric fire inserts. I have always wanted a fire place in the living room, its not the same as a real fire, but I am willing to make do. It comes complete with fake flames and an electric heater. It also takes up a lot less space in the room.
Damon's folks came up for the Columbus day week. We visited the Wild Center and a couple of the area orchards. Pat also attended the quilt guild meeting with me on Wednesday.

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