Saturday, August 14, 2010

Still Working on the Scrap Pile

As I mentioned earlier this summer I am working on reducing my pile of scrap fabric. My vague notion was to reduce it by half. But of course I did not measure it or weigh it, so deciding when I reach half is based on the 'I guess that is about half' system.

Pictured here are the blocks I have been making for my second scrap quilt of the summer. I still need to sew them together. They are scraps from making my nieces' and nephew's quilts (see blog post dated Saturday, July 3, 2010). The blocks are 6 1/2 inches unfinished.

Once this quilt is finished - including quilting and binding I think I will have made enough of a dent in the scrap pile. I can go back to working on several other projects that have been waiting for attention. I do have plans on working on more crumb blocks at this fall's quilt retreat though so the scrap pile doesn't start growing too much.

Of the 2 scrap quilts from this summer, one will be donated to the Quilt Guild's Community Outreach program and the other will be given to the Guild for its 'Latte Lotto' raffle at the quilt show next year.

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