Sunday, January 17, 2010

Getting Back in the Groove

The 'girls' were over on Saturday for our monthly quilting get together. And even though I was pretty busy playing hostess I did manage to start experimenting with English Paper Piecing. I used pre-made card-stock templates and fabric from my scrap pile. The fabric is pressed around the template, then baste stitched, then hand sewn together. This first attempt was successful! While I have seen quilts made entirely from these blocks, my intention is to make a few of these flower shapes and hand-applique them onto a quilt or wall hanging.

For a variety of reasons the sewing room has accumulated all the shifting 'stuff' around the house that I am working on sorting and organizing. And at this point all the actual sewing areas are not accessible. Since I set up a table in the living room for the Saturday of sewing with the girls I figured I would see if my old back-up machine was still in working order and try to get one of the New York Beauty blocks done. (I am waiting to see how long it takes Damon to say something about the quiting stuff taking over the house). The block was about 1/3 done and was all laid out on a cutting board so it was taking up a bit of room itself. Now that the block is done I was able to pack it away with its siblings. I did a quick count - I am up to 35 NYB blocks.

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