Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back to Quilting

Originally I thought I would primarily use this blog to document my quilting, but other things seem to have taken over (the garden, the weather, the dogs, etc...). So now it it time to get back to quilting.

One project I did finish this fall was an Amish inspired community service quilt. (Pictured) I came up with the design after cutting up some solid colored fabric and making half square triangle blocks with them, and sashed them with black. Carol Meier offered to quilt it on her new long-arm quilting machine this summer and gave it back to me to put on the binding.

Its been officially done since mid November but I didn't go to the December guild meeting so I will use it for show and tell at the January meeting.

1 comment:

  1. I love how the blocks of this quilt seem to glow with the color placement. The quilting on it looks beautiful, too.
