Thursday, October 30, 2008

A White Halloween?

Our second snow of the season has been much more impressive than the first (which melted the the same day). We actually had a full-blown snow storm this time around. It started as rain first thing Tuesday and by 7pm changed to snow. On Wednesday morning we had about an inch or two of slushy snow. The roads were messy and slippery. It continued to snow all day Wednesday. (But as you can see that didn't stop us from walking the dogs Wednesday afternoon). As of this morning the snow has stopped and I am guessing we have between 4 and 6 inches - its kind of hard to tell for sure since the wind drifted it around quite a bit.

On Tuesday (Damon's Birthday) we went out and he bought himself some new snow tires (along with everyone else - there was even a story on the news about how busy the tire places were that day). For his birthday I took him to lunch and bought him some storage cabinets for his brewing supplies.

We were actually pretty lucky, about 45 minutes west of us they got a foot of snow. The forecast is calling for temperatures in the 40s for Friday so we will see if it melts or if we will have a white Halloween.

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